Results from the Special General Meeting Oct 17, 2024

Jack Keough chaired the meeting, and offered some comments about the Snowmobile Clubs’ need for a new direction.
Two motions were presented; 

  1. To change the name from Green Lake Snowmobile Club to Green Lake Community Centre.
  2. To adopt new purposes and bylaws into the constitution.

Both motions were passed after discussion by the members present.  

These changes legally broaden the scope of our activities on the trails and in the hall.  As members of the Community Centre, it will be more inviting and inclusive for different groups to organize their interests and utilize the hall.

Since the current snowmobile season has already begun, it was decided to finish this season under the old constitution.  Once this season is completed, the paperwork and fees will be submitted to the Registrar of Societies, and we can begin to operate under the new constitution.

Many of the finer details still need to be worked out, but the directors will be tackling these items during the year.

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Coming soon:

Valentines Day February 14 - Games and Appy night - Starts 6:00 pm. Prizes! Bring your favorite game and/or darts if you plan to play.  Bring an appetizer or dessert to share. Tea, coffee or hot chocolate provided. Invite a friend or neighbour. (Non members $5.00)

March 1st - Pig Roast and Fundraiser Event! Doors open at 5:00pm

March 13 7:00pm Annual General Meeting. Please try to attend as there are some important issues to vote on, as well as election of new officers and directors.