
We are located in the Cariboo region of British Columbia.

View Green Lake Snowmobile Club in a larger map

We are fortunate to have a very nice local club house that is used for club meetings, dinners, and club meets. The clubhouse came about due to the hard work of previous years members who have built, added onto and maintained the building for everyone in the community to enjoy.

Coming soon:

Valentines Day February 14 - Games and Appy night - Starts 6:00 pm. Prizes! Bring your favorite game and/or darts if you plan to play.  Bring an appetizer or dessert to share. Tea, coffee or hot chocolate provided. Invite a friend or neighbour. (Non members $5.00)

March 1st - Pig Roast and Fundraiser Event! Doors open at 5:00pm

March 13 7:00pm Annual General Meeting. Please try to attend as there are some important issues to vote on, as well as election of new officers and directors.