Latest Past Events

January 20 Family Ride and Potluck Dinner

Ride will leave the Clubhouse at 10:00am. Bonfire, hot dogs and smores on the trail.... Pot luck dinner to follow in the evening, 5:00pm!

Coming soon:

Valentines Day February 14 - Games and Appy night - Starts 6:00 pm. Prizes! Bring your favorite game and/or darts if you plan to play.  Bring an appetizer or dessert to share. Tea, coffee or hot chocolate provided. Invite a friend or neighbour. (Non members $5.00)

March 1st - Pig Roast and Fundraiser Event! Doors open at 5:00pm

March 13 7:00pm Annual General Meeting. Please try to attend as there are some important issues to vote on, as well as election of new officers and directors.